Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Water Water Everywhere

I may have gone a little bit eco crazy lately, but it's for good reason.  Trust me.

With spring time just around the corner and our baby plants getting bigger every day, it's time to start working on making last year's plans even better.  We've decided to change some plant locations in our garden, moved some more plants to the front of the house and mended our soil.  But we also looked at how much money our garden cost us last year too.  In a nutshell, it was a lot.

Sure most of it was soil, since we had exactly zero to start with, but a lot of it was also water.  Marco did rig up a self watering system with a couple of drip hoses and a timer so that we never over watered and we never forgot to water (both of which would mean disaster and wasted money).  But the drip was for only our garden.  All the potted plants still had to be watered, and the house plants, the seeds, the garden in the front... it ended up being a lot of water and our bill was plain evidence.

So there are two ways we are planning on turning that around this year.  The first one is to convert our only moderately useful barrel into a real live rain barrel.

 We're going to use the water that is in there (it spills from the roof) and actually tap it so we can use the water consistently.  Not once have we actually used the water that sits in this barrel and it isn't fitted to deter mosquitoes, so that will also be fixed.

Plus, we are going to up the ante on an idea we started last year, but didn't really hold ourselves to.  We're going to stop wasting water from the tap.

Every time we turn on the water, it we aren't using it "as is", say we need warm water or something, then it goes into one of those wine bottles (or one of the other 6 dozen out of the frame).  Let's say I need to thaw something for dinner and I fill a pot with warm water.  Well, the water from the tap that is still cold goes into those bottles and then after the warm water has thawed the meat/cheese/whatever that goes into one of the bottles too.  These full bottles are then used to water the indoor plants, the worms, my personal water bottle, the dogs or poured into the rain barrel outside the back door.

We also put a bucket in the bathroom for the same deal when we take showers.  That water goes to water some of the bigger house plants, the dogs, or into the rain barrel too.

So far we are filling at least 2-3 liters of "wasted" water every day just from the kitchen sink and none of it sits around for very long.

Waste not want not huh?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Double Decker: Again

It would seem that I may have a stubborn streak in me.  Maybe it's my Scorpio tendencies, maybe it's all of my abilities, maybe it's just that kick I get out of winning.  But it's there nonetheless.  Sometimes it comes out when I least expect it to.  Like when Marco said "I'm not sure if we need a cat" and this came home with me a week later.

Or that time I totally won at digging up cannas by myself and threw my back out for a week...

Or that other time when I didn't want to go to the doctor because they would give me cough medicine and ended up having to have a shot instead...

Anyway, I digress.

I'm stubborn and do not often learn my lessons.  Which is why, for the second year in a row I've agreed to run the Double Decker 10 K with Marco.  Let me make one thing clear real quick like- 13 miles in flat New Orleans is one thing, but 6.3 miles in Oxford up and down hills that I'm often quite certain my car won't be able to climb is another.  I only did it last year because I knew in my head it was hard, but I had no idea how much I hated Old Taylor Road until that 5th mile started. In fact, I cursed like a sailor the entire time.  Not proud of it, but there it is.

And now we're going to do it again.  EXCEPT this time, I want to beat last year's time.  You see, last year, I just wanted to finish- especially after that mile 5 hill- and I had a time in my head that I would be happy with.  Well it turns out, I did way better than I was expecting.  (Winning!) So this year?  I want to be even better- which means pushing myself harder and actually working.  No thank you.

But I'm going to do it anyway.  Turns out, after a few weeks of just going running by myself, really paying attention to my breathing and letting my feet pace themselves (not matching Marco's stride or trying to beat a certain time per mile) I have learned a few things about myself.  I found my pace.  I found my rhythm.  I found that I don't hate it as much as I did a few months ago before it got too cold to go every couple of days.

I am not nearly where I need/want to be for the Double Decker, but I've got a few weeks.  I have a set goal for every week leading up to then and when I start to think that I hate this more than anything, I stop.  I have other big plans for Double Decker weekend, so I will be working on those goals too, but this running thing, I think ultimately, I'm going to win that (in my own way, not like first in the race way gah!) too.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Earliest Gardening Possible

I have to admit, I've been a little bit addicted to my seed catalogs lately.  They were delivered months ago, but I just can't quit them.  Each page is dog earred and a good number of seeds are circled, starred, and marked.  One of the best things about owning a home, for me at least, is the chance to really build our garden.  We've only had it for one year, but I really think that this year is going to be the best one yet.

Unfortunately, it is still a little early to put most of the seeds out into the ground.  We have been tending the soil in the main bed though, and cleaning up our garden area.  But there are a few plants that we have been able to start work on.

I planted potatoes for instance.  These are just circles of covered chicken wire.  The newspaper you see is to help hold the dirt inside the circle.  Then I filled them a little ways, maybe 18 inches with soil and planted my seed potato pieces.  The left is white potatoes, and the right is red.  I've ordered some blue so soon I will add that circle too.

We also started a few seeds inside.  This is probably my favorite way to start seeds because I can obsessively scan the soil every few hours for little baby seedlings.  Yesterday I was able to spot four baby butter lettuces and two kales. I immediately texted Marco to tell him the good news and he was just as excited as I was.

The onions that started to sprout in the pantry went into their own planter.  And I replanted the chives that reseeded themselves.  And I spread a few leaf lettuce seeds while I was at it too.

And tonight, finally, I will sit down and make my order for the majority of our seeds and plants.  We are trying a few new things this year, like beans and corn that you can grow in planters, blueberries and strawberries, a new kind of cucumber and even soybeans.  Add that to last years tomatoes, peppers, egg plants, zuchinni, gourds, watermelon, okra, and all the herbs we can fit- it's going to be a good year.

We have hopes and dreams (well, I do) of growing at least 750 pounds of produce this year. We were able to top over 300 last year so I thing it's possible.  We're also expanding our food plants into the front yard to help us reach our goal and to help develop some of the more ignored areas of our yard.  Peppers, kale, blue berries and beans are going in the flower beds as edible landscaping.  Add them to the two dozen irises, tulips and daffodils that are already coming up and we've got ourselves a pretty nice piece of property.  We have a half dozen new rosemary bushes and the mint planters are already showing tiny leaves.  I wish we had room for a few more fruit trees, but I think we may have a deal worked out with a neighbor.

Anyone else getting garden ready?  If you are looking for inspiration or just a little guidance, these are the places I've been stalking for a few months.  100 Dollars has great growing guides and I've been a subscriber to Mother Earth for years (happy birthday to me!).  Good growing to you! a family that lives on 100 dollars a month in groceries.  I love this site!  She is so smart and funny and real.  Plus she has chickens which means she's great. a gold mine of information about green living, growing, planting, home steading, whatever you can think of when it comes to planting and preserving.  Great search tools and constant updates. my first homesteading experience.  I started reading this blog several years ago and that was when I decided I needed to buy a house.  I love the two sisters who run the blog, they are wonderfuly inspirational and so fancy. I started by reading this couple's books a few years ago and then started following their blog.  The blog tends to be a little hit or miss for me, I can't relate to as much of it as I did the books, but they have a great search tool and wonderful resources.

Let's get growing y'all!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm A Grandmother

Can you smell Spring or what??

I have to be honest, this winter has been really tough on me, what with the cold and whatnot.  But Spring is right around the corner and with it comes my favorite things: warm weather, gardening and baby animals.  Well, two of those things are already happening right now in my house.

Y'all.  My worms are having babies.

Remember this incredibly blown out picture from this post a few months ago?  Well the next phase of wormy parenthood is beginning and I am so incredibly excited.

This morning, as I was preparing a few pounds of soil for this year container plants (more on that this week and next)  I checked in on the worms to make sure no one had escaped.  This can happen if you are worming at home, but don't take it personally, some are not as smart as the others.  Anyhoo, I was using a spoon to scrape out some worm poop to add to my containers (the entire point of having the worms is for the black gold they produce) when low and behold, there was a teeny tiny baby worm in my scoop.

Then several things happened very quickly.

1.  I squeaked with delight and the dogs came running to see what was so exciting.
2.  Cheezburger licked the dirt.
3.  I looked down at the hole where she just licked and saw two more worm egg sacs.
4.  I realized that for the first time ever, I am a grandmother.

I also realized that it is about time that I harvested my dirt and made a new home for my worms.  They will need more newspaper bedding this time, and less dirt.  Also I have a much better grasp at how much they can eat and how fast.  Oh these worms are working!  Now to see how well the plants do with my new fertilizer.

Oh yes, spring is finally springing around here.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why I Chose a Pit Bull

I know that there are mean dogs out there.  I've been bitten and scared by plenty.  I know that dogs attack and bite and kill.  I know it, I know it, I know it.  I'm not talking about those dogs- I'm talking about mine and if that bothers you then I suggest you turn away now because I am still full of rage from an encounter last night and I will not tolerate it in my space- which this is.    

On Thursday, I had my wiggle pants on and badly needed to go for a walk.  As usual, the dogs were also very wiggly and so this worked out perfectly.  Marco and I took them on a nice 3 mile walk that we like to do in the evenings, down the bike bath, through a great neighborhood, around the Square and back down the bike path.  It's our thing.  We get time to talk and bond and the dogs enjoy the sights and the scents and the occasional pet from strangers.  We were on our nice, family walk when suddenly it happened- someone said something ugly about my Cerulean and his breed.  This has only happened to my face once before but my reaction was still the same.  Complete and utter rage.

Rage so intense that I screamed out loud and tears poured down my face.  I started to hyperventilate right there in front of the frozen yogurt shop, in front of dozens of people.  I hated that woman- still hate that woman- and it clearly showed.  So let's talk about it shall we?

I've shown off my pretty, pretty dogs a few times- like here and here.  But I have never really explained how and why I chose my Cerulean.  Here is his story.

Cheezburger was a puppy when I got her and by the time she hit two years old, I had broken off an engagement  moved out on my own, was working two full time jobs and swerving really hard into hot mess territory.  My stress was high and it was starting to show.  I had been thinking of getting her a brother, a playmate for when I worked and a companion to help deal with her "only child" syndrome that was so obvious.  I had casually browsed the adoptable pets online, but no one really stuck out.

Then I got a phone call from a library volunteer.  There was a dog at the shelter who was "next on the list."  Could I please come check him out, foster him, and we would try to find him a forever home.  What the heck I figured.  I was looking for a playmate, this would be a great way to introduce the Burg to the idea.

I drove to the shelter, and was directed to the "big dog" room.  I was looking for the dog with the black collar- there was only one.  There were 30 big dogs in the room, jumping and barking and tails a wagging.  I petted a few through the cages but saw no black collars.  It was so loud in there and I walked up and down the aisle a few times before I saw him.  He was huddled in the back corner of his kennel- alone- head and tail invisible, but I could just see his black collar.  I walked over to his kennel and spoke to him.  The saddest face looked up at me but he wouldn't come to the fence.  I opened the door and sat quietly at the entrance.  He stood up.  I could tell his was skinny and sick- probably not fed well in his passed life, probably full of worms or worse.  He came over to me and I let him smell my hand and he let me pet the top of his head.  Then he crawled into my lap and curled up in a little ball, shivering.

If I am being completely honest, I was a goner right then and there.  But now that he was asleep in my lap, I had a better chance to get a look at him.  That's when I realized he was a pitbull- and filthy.  I still wasn't sure if I was ready to take on two dogs, but I thought I'd help him find a forever home, at least for a little while.

Long story short- it took about a year of looking for a forever home to realize he already had one.  He is gentle and patient where Cheezburger is insane.  He is very snuggly and just wants to be petted and allowed on the bed.  His fur is short but soft and he is so delicate when he walks that often his toe nails are ridiculously long and we never notice.  He is afraid of the rain but not thunder.

His favorite toy is the pink rubber ducky, but he doesn't chew it, just likes to keep it around.  He will play with Cheezburger when she asks nicely and only once told her to back off- when he was sick and full of worms and had just had his business removed and she would not leave him alone.  He told her to stop it and she did.  He is incredibly protective of Cheezburger and me but never barks.

Since he came into my life I have taken a real interest in so many things- helping at the Humane society, supporting our local dog park, being involved with making sure breed specific laws are not passed here or in surrounding counties.  I've been asked to bring him to several meetings, groups and social events as an advocate for older dog adoption, pit bull awareness and snuggle times.  I have met so many people- friends- through him.  He can charm the pants off anyone he meets and I can't tell you how many people think of him as their "favorite."  

I've gone on and on, I know it, and I am almost finished.  I love my sweet Pooto, not because I believe that by loving him I am proving a point, but because he is sweet and loving and snuggly.  I love him because he never complains, even when he is full of 4 types of worms and bleeding from a massive skin infection.  I love him because when I don't feel good he will snuggle until I do.  I love him in a sweater.  I love him because he is gentle with children and fast to give kisses.  

And one day, I hope that when we are walking around the Square, he will not be judged by his skin, but by the content of his character. Because that character is exactly why I choose to adopt a pit bull.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Make it Shine

While we are chugging along on our Living Room Makeover 2012, I took a few hours to update another item that appears again and again throughout our home. The white, plastic, average socket covers throughout entire house.  You know, the ones that constantly leak cold air into the house which is incredibly aggravating...

So for the last few months I've been scouring eBay and thrift stores to stock up on vintage and used brass covers for the sockets and the lights.  I still need about 10 more, but I thought that I might as well get started with what I have.  Plus, I bought these while I was at it.

The process was easy, if not a little time consuming.  I simple removed the white, plastic cover, put a sealer over the gaping hole in the wall and replaced the cover with the brass plate.

I think it looks more custom than the builder white ones, and they really belong better in the house.  They match the brass doorknobs and hinges and they're shiny.  Win win win if you ask me.

And in the matter of about an hour, our outlets started to look better and the temperature in the living room was noticeably higher.  No kidding.  I probably should have done this earlier in the winter.

An easy update that will also help with our heating and cooling bills.  Plus, I figure if you can't hide the outlets (everybody's got'em), you might as well make'em bling.  And I kept the old white ones so if/when we move, we can always replace them back.  How's that for looking ahead?

Anyone else changing switch plates?  What about plate insulation?  I can already tell a difference in the temperature in the living room.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Planning to go Veg

Now that I'm home more (like, a lot more) and I have more energy (again- a lot more) and more time to think about things that matter to me (broken record much?) Marco and I have finally been able to make a few changes that we've be wanting to, but haven't had the time or energy to make.

One of those changes is committing to eating more vegetarian meals.  We wanted to start doing this for a couple of reasons.

First, it is was cheaper to leave out the meat a few times during the week.  We still love the occasional steak or chicken breast, but by cutting out meat 3 times a week, we are really saving on our grocery budget.

And second it encourages new foods and recipes.  Turns out, I really like cooking, but I have been hesitant because I don't know what the heck I'm doing half the time.  So by taking a few minutes in the evenings or on the weekends, I google around for new or exciting recipes with ingredients we have in the fridge.  I can also search on Pinterest from my phone, so when I see that cauliflower is on sale, I can make a decision whether or not I think I can make something new.

This is how I organize our recipes.

It's just a binder with page protectors to protect the pages from whatever I'm making.  I have tabs in there for main dishes, sides, desserts, drinks, and etc.  The etc section is mostly pickle recipes, dog treats, relishes, and gift type foods.  Each section has lots of empty page protectors in the back so whenever I find a fun recipe in a magazine or online, I just rip/tear/copy it out and slide it in place to keep for later.  I printed all of my "Food Stuffs" board from pinterest also- so if I ever search for "cauliflower" and I have something already pinned, I know that I already have the recipe close as hand too.  I think Future Stacey will appreciate that.

PLUS, deciding to go veg 3 or 4 nights a week has helped us start planning our summer garden.  I know I want to grow beans to dry and freeze.  Marco wants more peppers and eggplants.  There will be corn this year because we found a special hybrid that can be grown in planters.Of course we'll have our regular things like tomatoes,  cucumbers, zucchini,  lettuces and herbs but we're adding soybeans, peas and a few fruit plants.

Now excuse me, I have some dried beans to go soak for tonight's cabbage and bean recipe that Marco's mom emailed me earlier.

Family bonding and cheap eats?  Sign me up!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gifts for Girls

I have the pleasure of being friends with some very nice ladies around town.  Some of them have children, some of them are children, but they are all very nice just the same.  This means that Marco and I are invited to a lot of birthday parties- which we are not complaining about.

But that means that sometimes we have to get really creative with gifts.  Add that to the fact that we're on a strict budget and things can often get a little fuzzy.  Let me set the scene shall I?

Marco and I had a birthday party for a very special 4 year old in less than 24 hours.  I had been bidding, and being out bid on a few dolls on eBay.  We had searched the local thrift shops for cool, unusual gifts.  We had voted down the bird feeder, the chocolate fountain, the cool sandals and the one dinosaur book we had been able to find...  And then I saw it, for a low price of $1.99.

I love this game.  I loved it as a child, I love it today, heck, there is a set in my living room looking at me right now.  I knew I could make it work, but I wanted it to be special.

By 10:00 the next morning, I ready to dig in to my special gift for my special girl.  Step one was to find 24 people that the birthday girl and her sisters knew by sight.  For this I stalked Facebook for a good hour, copying and pasting pictures into a word document, cropping them down and sizing them.  I made two small copies and one large copy of each picture.  Then I cut out all the copies- this part took forever.  Like, two hours to find all of the pictures, size them, print them, resize them, print them again twice and then cut them all out.

Then I took out all of the cards from the game.  I removed the cards from both boards and the cards that the players draw from.  I did panic a little as I counted cards, but I thought that if one had been missing I could have just scanned a card and made a new one.  Thankfully, all the cards and all of the pieces were there.  Whew.

I put the cards in stacks, big cards, red board cards, and blue board cards.  I put the cut out pictures into stacks, big, small, small.  Then I got to taping.

Using regular old packing tape, I just attached the big pictures over the faces on the cards.  Then I used the same method to attach the smaller pictures to the cards that go in the little windows.  Then I load all of the new pictures back into the windows and loaded the windows back into the boards.

Oh, and before I started cutting pictures, I took the boards outside for a quick spray paint to make them classier- I hate the bright red and blue plasticy looking boards.

And with exactly 75 minutes before we were due at the party, I had a custom, one of a kind gift for my favorite 4 year old.

What about you?  Customize anything lately?