Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Decision to Get Married

After buying our house a year ago Marco and I started having serious discussions about the type of life we want to have in this house and any other future houses.  You know, things like, do we want kids or do we want a kitten (yes and yes)?  Should we join a church and how big do we want our garden (no and big)?  All kinds of things.  Until suddenly we realized we hadn't really talked about the big question- when are we getting married.

We both wanted to get married, we had mentioned it a few times and at once point Marco had looked at me and said "Of course I want to marry you!  We bought a house together!" So the question really wasn't if but when.  So like all big decisions (like buying a car or having children) this has become the most recent of our nightly discussions before and after we watch movies or while we lay in bed in the dark.

Until last Monday when the discussion turned to action and we decided that since we are already throwing a "One year in our house anniversary party" next Friday the 25th, why don't we just go down to the courthouse and get married that day too.  It's Memorial Day weekend and all.

So we are and so we shall.  I called my parents, he skyped his mom and I sent out a mass text invite to several close friends who are already coming to our party.  I told my boss (who quickly ordered us a cake and me a bouquet since I said that I hadn't planned on having either) and now we wait.  Our blood tests and application are in so now we just have to show up.

Or spend the day working on the garden, continuing to work on our lives together.

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