Marco left for another research cruise yesterday and while I miss him and I count down the minutes until he returns, I do (eventually) enjoy my alone time in the house. Several years ago an "alone" week like this would have sent me spiraling into a black hole of panic and despair. And it has been no easy journey learning how to enjoy my aloneness- but I am getting there. Since people are always asking me how I deal with being in the house by myself (with only two crazy beasts for background noise) I thought I'd share a little bit of my technique (because that's what it is) here.
I always start by planning out my meals. If it's just me in the house I'm much more liable to settle for nachos every night or a pot of tea and some cookies. So the first thing I do when I know a period of "oneness" is coming up, is to make sure there is food that I can/will/like to eat in the house. I like to do either very simple things (grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato) or really complex things (lasagna). The simple things are easy to do quickly and clean up, the bigger things I can make once and then eat it for three days. Once I get a food plan, I start to feel a little better because I get to eat things that Marco may not always enjoy for three days in a row... For me, grilled cheese sandwiches and nachos are supreme guilty pleasures but I try to make sure I get real ingredients into both of them so that I'm not too guilty.
I also make sure that I dress to kill the entire time. It is so easy to not shave for an entire week or just let laundry pile up... but just like when I make myself plan out my meals, planning out my clothes helps too. I plan to wear clothes that make me feel good and confident (thanks to that recent closet purge, that's all of them) and clothes that require some bodily upkeep too- like shaving and toe nail painting. It's like being at a spa! But cheaper because it's at my house. And when it's just me, and I know what's for dinner and I know that no one else is wanting to use the bathroom- I can take that extra long shower, use my facial hair bleach and push back my cuticles without revealing too many secrets.
But most importantly for me, I have learned to develop projects. Sometimes these are secret projects- like painting the bathroom or decorating our porch, but sometimes these are general projects like deep cleaning the floors or purging the craft room. I pick up books that I want to read- and I read them without feeling like I'm ignoring anyone. I take the dogs on walks and think about how grateful I am that Marco usually takes the first walk of the day. I don't schedule every second of my time, but I like knowing that I have things to do. It keeps me from feeling bored which usually ends up in impulse buying or anxiety. And when Marco comes home he can oohh and ahh over whatever I've been able to accomplish. Now that's a good thing.
Anyone else have long stretches of one-ness? Anyone wish they HAD some one-ness?
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