Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Planning to go Veg

Now that I'm home more (like, a lot more) and I have more energy (again- a lot more) and more time to think about things that matter to me (broken record much?) Marco and I have finally been able to make a few changes that we've be wanting to, but haven't had the time or energy to make.

One of those changes is committing to eating more vegetarian meals.  We wanted to start doing this for a couple of reasons.

First, it is was cheaper to leave out the meat a few times during the week.  We still love the occasional steak or chicken breast, but by cutting out meat 3 times a week, we are really saving on our grocery budget.

And second it encourages new foods and recipes.  Turns out, I really like cooking, but I have been hesitant because I don't know what the heck I'm doing half the time.  So by taking a few minutes in the evenings or on the weekends, I google around for new or exciting recipes with ingredients we have in the fridge.  I can also search on Pinterest from my phone, so when I see that cauliflower is on sale, I can make a decision whether or not I think I can make something new.

This is how I organize our recipes.

It's just a binder with page protectors to protect the pages from whatever I'm making.  I have tabs in there for main dishes, sides, desserts, drinks, and etc.  The etc section is mostly pickle recipes, dog treats, relishes, and gift type foods.  Each section has lots of empty page protectors in the back so whenever I find a fun recipe in a magazine or online, I just rip/tear/copy it out and slide it in place to keep for later.  I printed all of my "Food Stuffs" board from pinterest also- so if I ever search for "cauliflower" and I have something already pinned, I know that I already have the recipe close as hand too.  I think Future Stacey will appreciate that.

PLUS, deciding to go veg 3 or 4 nights a week has helped us start planning our summer garden.  I know I want to grow beans to dry and freeze.  Marco wants more peppers and eggplants.  There will be corn this year because we found a special hybrid that can be grown in planters.Of course we'll have our regular things like tomatoes,  cucumbers, zucchini,  lettuces and herbs but we're adding soybeans, peas and a few fruit plants.

Now excuse me, I have some dried beans to go soak for tonight's cabbage and bean recipe that Marco's mom emailed me earlier.

Family bonding and cheap eats?  Sign me up!

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